Due to high demand, appointments are required from March 15 through September 15 fo all services, except a simple flat repair on a non-electric bike. 

Drop off your bike at the time of the appointment and we'll aim to have it returned to you within 3-7 days. (Repairs requiring special-ordered parts may take longer.)

All services booked online require a deposit, which will be applied in full to your repair. For a detailed description of all services please visit our Service Page.

If you're not sure if we're the right shop for your needs, please read this before booking your repair.


Our services are designed and priced for standard and folding bikes. Surcharges apply to service packages for certain oversized bikes as follows:

  • E-Bike $50 (includes e-assist folding bikes and 2-wheel recumbents) 

  • Long tail cargo: non-electric $50; electric $75

  • Tandem: non-electric $50; electric $75

  • Trike: non-electric $50; electric $75; over 80lbs $125

  • Frontloader cargo: non-electric $75 / Electric $125

  • Eliptical Striders:$50