We are currently requesting appointments for all service work except puncture repair. Please check out our service offerings on this page, and use the button below to book your drop-off appointment when ready. If you’re not sure what service you need, you can always reach out to us via the text widget at lower right (yes, it really works, and we monitor it regularly).



Our most popular tune-up service will have your bike working better than new! Recommended for bicycles that are used daily, or have not been serviced in a while, but any bike will benefit from this thorough rejuvenation. This service includes:

  • Set-up, adjustment and testing of braking systems. Parts & cables replaced as needed.

  • Set-up, adjustment and testing of shifting systems. Parts & cables replaced as needed.

  • Adjust all bearing surfaces: hubs, headset, bottom bracket, as needed and applicable

  • Wheel set-up, including tensioning or de-tensioning of spokes, dishing and truing off the bike and in the truing stand.

  • If applicable, the quill stem and brake bosses are greased.

  • Full degreasing and re-lubricationof the drivetrain

  • If needed, replacement of any external parts or components including tires, chain, cassette, brakes, cranks, chainrings, etc. (NOTE: There is a lot of variation here, depending on the needs of each individual bike & rider, and the only way to really nail it down is bring you bike in and discuss the repair with the mechanic.)

  • Removal of build-up from the rims to increase rim and brake pad life, and braking power.

  • Safety inspection and correct attachment of wheels, components and accessories.

  • Application of lubricant to chain, grease to seatpost, and LocTite for small nuts and bolts.

  • Full detail cleaning and polishing of all external parts and frame.

  • Installation of selected optional accessories purchased from us.

  • Tires inflated to correct pressure

  • Test ride by service mechanic, and work checked over and cross referenced with work order by second mechanic.

  • 90-Day Guarantee on the work performed.

Regular price: $195 plus parts & tax


This is our most comprehensive service that can add many more years of life to your bike! Every well-loved bike deserves a complete overhaul at least a few times during its service life. It includes:

  • Ultimate Tune-Up, as described above

  • Complete disassembly, frame cleaning and component inspection

  • Replacement and installations of worn components.

  • Complete overhaul and bearing replacement in internal components: hubs, headsets & bottom brackets or replacement of worn components.

  • If applicable, cleaning and repair of threads where possible.

  • Included installation of additional accessories and upgrades purchased from us.

  • 120 Day Guarantee on the work performed.

Regular price: $425 plus parts & tax



All new bicycles we sell are covered by a complimentary service and maintenance plan, included in your purchase price. Please click here for details.

Few things are more inconvenient than flats, especially when your bike is your transportation. We offer a service that will gives you maximum protection against flats, and minimum inconvenience should you happen to get one. 90-Day Flat Prevention Package includes:

  • A choice of puncture-resistant tires

  • New tubes

  • Professional installation

  • If needed, replacement of worn rim liners, and correction of any problems with the inside of the rim to minimize the chance of flats.

  • 90-DAY Flat Protection Guarantee: we will replace your tube FREE OF CHARGE if you get a flat during that period.

  • Must be purchased for both tires (or all three if you own a trike).

Pricing varies based on tire choice. Stop in for a complete quote.


We offer complete professional assembly for new bicycles purchased elsewhere. Our assembly service comes with a 90-day guarantee. (More on what’s included here.)

  • Multi-speed adult or youth bicycle: $145

  • Single-speed youth bicycle: $85

  • Long-tail cargo bike, trike or recumbent: $185-$200

  • Front-loader cargo bike or tandem: $200-$250

  • E-bike surcharge: $75

Below is the summary of typical services we offer, but much more is available, from simple adjustments to complete customizations. Parts not included, except where indicated.

  • Brake Adjustment from $30

  • Derailleur Adjustment from $30

  • Bike / Drivetrain Cleaning from $35

  • Flat Fix (includes inner tube) from $30 (surcharges apply to internally geared wheels, motor wheels, or any time access to wheel is limited)

  • Bike Packing (includes materials) from $85

  • Wheel True from $30

  • Wheel Build from $75. Wheel Build with e-Bike motor from $90. (Please note that additional charges may apply when you supply your own parts. If so, we will always advise you in advance.)
    More on wheel builds here.


We’d be thrilled to work with you on building a bike from the frame up, as well as restoring or updating a well-loved older or vintage bike.

Since there’s an enormous amount of variation, we encourage you to reach our for a one-on-one consultation, or fill out this contact form to get the ball rolling.


Our services are designed and priced for standard and folding bikes. Surcharges apply to service packages for certain oversized bikes as follows:

  • E-Bike $50 (includes e-assist folding bikes and 2-wheel recumbents) 

  • Long tail cargo: non-electric $50; electric $75

  • Tandem: non-electric $50; electric $75

  • Trike: non-electric $50; electric $75; over 80lbs $125

  • Frontloader cargo: non-electric $75 / Electric $125

  • Eliptical Striders:$50

All major services including tune-ups, bike assemblies and overhauls include a $10 supply and recycling fee to offset the cost of cleaners and lubricants, shop towels and cardboard recycling.