What problems do recumbents solve?

Recumbents solve many of the problems typically associated with riding a conventional bike. If you love cycling, but don’t love the usual aches and pains (you know, sore butt, wrists and neck, and the constant sliding back on your seat, and rising up on your knuckles trying to get comfortable), try a recumbent. You’ll find that it allows you to enjoy the freedom of cycling without paying for it a few miles into your trip.

On a conventional bike, the two most commonly requested comfort modifications are (1) a wider, cushier saddle and (2) higher handlebar position. Riders want comfort. Recumbents deliver better than any upright bike can.

Recumbents eliminate saddle pain, period.

Recumbents come with a seat that's unlike anything available on a conventional bike. Most recumbent seats look like a chair, or at least a beach recliner. The seat shape, and the distribution of the rider's weight over a much larger area that on a typical bike, make saddle pain a non-issue. That experience alone makes trying a recumbent worthwhile.

What back pain?

All recumbent seats offer back support along your whole spine. Some recumbent seats come with additional padding or lumbar cushions or contouring. This eliminates the typical back strain one experiences on a standard bike, caused by lack of support, and the way the back is used in balancing the bike.

No neck pain, either

A recumbent offers a natural siting position allowing the rider to keep their neck and head upright. This means you won't have to crane and strain your neck as you view the road or enjoy the scenery. If you’re riding alongside other riders, this also makes it easy and comfortable to carry on a conversation.

Your wrists will thank you

On a recumbent your hands and wrists are used only for steering, and do not carry or support any portion of the body weight. This virtually eliminates and wrist and hand pain, numbness or tingling. You will no longet have to worry about shifting your position or trying to change the placement of your hands in an effort to get more comfortable.

Never worry about balance again

Recumbent trikes almost completely eliminate the risk of injury due to falling. You can stand still or travel at very low speeds on a trike without fear of it tipping over.

two wheeled recuments require balancing, just like conventional bikes. But a properly sized two-wheel recumbent allows you to plant your feet securely on the ground while stopped in a seated position, something that is much more difficult on a standard bike.

Recumbent offer superior overall comfort

Because recumbents offer a much more comfortable, rider-friendly position, they increase your overall enjoyment of the ride, so you can stay relaxed and ride pain-free over much greater distances than you would on a conventional bike.

But don’t take my word for it. The best way to experience the unbelievable comfort and pain-free cycling on a recumbent is to try one out!


7 ways a recumbent helps you stay active and independent


How to ride a recumbent trike?