7 ways a recumbent helps you stay active and independent

A recumbent trike is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to stay active, independent, and enjoy the great outdoors. If you thought you had to give up cycling because of balance, joint pain, or difficulty getting comfortable on a standard bike, the recumbent trike may be the answer you were looking for.

Here are 7 major ways a recumbent trike can enhance your active lifestyle:

  1. Minimize risk of injury
    Cycling is a low impact sport, but rider position on a traditional bike is less than ideal, and can take a toll on your body, especially as you get older. A recumbent makes it possible to enjoy cycling longer by eliminating its punishing effects on your joints, neck, back, and your butt.
    Recumbent trikes virtually eliminate the risk of falling, making cycling possible for almost anyone, regardless of age, agility or physical limitations.

  2. Extend you range
    If you enjoy walking, or other self-supported explorations, a recumbent extends you range and carrying capacity in the same way a bike would, but without any of the painful side effects.

  3. Makes fitness fun
    Riding a recumbent can have a snowball effect on your activity level. Because you can go longer distances without discomfort, you will enjoy it more, and will seek out longer and more frequent rides.

  4. Enjoy the outdoors
    Unlike group exercise or health club memberships, a recumbent makes it possible to exercise outdoors and explore a wide variety of trails and environments. Unlike repetitive exercise, riding a recumbent can give you a sense of adventure and exploration, and feels less like a “fitness routine” and more like healthy natural movement.

  5. Pursue hobbies
    With a recumbent, you can participate in outdoor movement, and enjoy other hobbies at the same time, including photography, birdwatching, or even fishing and camping.

  6. Social options
    Although recumbent-specific riding groups may be few and far between, a recumbent will allow you to go on group rides even if you no longer choose to ride a regular bike.
    And if you’re lucky enough to have (or start) a recumbent riding group in your area, you’ll enjoy regular contact with like-minded riding enthusiasts.

  7. Mobility/Rehabilitation
    If you're recovering from illness or injury, or simply getting back in shape after a period of inactivity, a recumbent trike can be a terrific tool for getting gentle exercise outdoors as you rebuild your strength.

  8. Companionship
    If you've given up cycling with your spouse, partner or friends because riding a regular bicycle is too punishing or poses risk from falling, a recumbent trike would allow you to resume cycling together. If you are not as strong a rider, you could consider a trike with e-assist.

You don’t have to give up the wonderful joys of cycling outdoors, even if a traditional bicycle no longer works for you. Recumbent trikes make cycling comfortable, accessible and quite safe, while virtually eliminating all the pain points. Why not set up a test ride, and see for yourself?


How to avoid the number one mistake when buying a recumbent


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