Avoid Bike Theft
Bicycle theft has long been a problem in Chicago, and the pandemic related widespread bike shortages have made it even more so. It doesn’t matter if you are riding an premium bike or a garage-sale model. Having your bike stolen is expensive, inconvenient, downright maddening and in some cases heartbreaking.
There is no theft prevention method that is 100% effective. Still, you need a solid locking strategy to make your bicycle a less likely target.
Know the difference between locks
Any lock can be broken given sufficient time and the right tools. However, there is definitely a difference between weak locks and strong locks. Don't rely on a simple cable or chain and padlock to secure your bike. Those types of locks can be snapped with simple and commonly available tools, and are useful only as auxiliary means for securing wheels or accessories on your bike.
If you leave your bike unattended anywhere, make sure you have a quality U-lock, other high security lock such as a hardened chain or folding lock. There are many types of bicycle locks, offering different levels of security. People often ask for a bicycle lock by brand, but lock quality, not brand name, is the more important consideration. A $30-40 U-lock, regardless of brand name, is an entry-level lock. If used correctly, it provides a moderate level of security, and is suitable for less expensive bicycles, or situations where security is not a major concern (such as when you go out to eat, and can see your bike through the window).
Entry-level Kryptolok with cable from Kryptonite.
High-security Bordo Granit from Abus.
High-security chain from Kryptonite.
Wheel locking skewer set from Pinhead.
More premium $90 to $200 locks are well worth the extra expense. They are made of a higher grade of steel, and designed to foil the most common lock-breaking methods. They are quite very difficult to break even with special tools (we know, because we are sometimes called on to do it when the bike owner has lost his or her keys). Such locks are a good choice for more expensive bicycles, electric or cargo bikes, or for any bike that gets left out for prolonged periods, where the owner cannot see it.
Alternatives to U-locks, such as Kryptonite Chain locks and Abus Bordo series are also available in different levels of security. They work well on hard to lock bicycles, such as recumbents or full-suspension mountain bikes. Bordo folding locks offer the additional advantage of being easy to fold and store when not in use.
Learn to lock you bicycle properly
Most bikes are stolen not because of a broken lock, but because the bicycle was locked improperly or not at all.
Lock your bicycle each and every time you leave it unattended, even for a short time. Remember that your bicycle is not only a desirable object commanding a resale price, but also a getaway vehicle for the thief. In the time is takes you to run into Starbucks for an iced latte, the thief could be a block away on your bicycle.
Enjoy these vintage drawings by Justyna, ca. 1994?
Steps for locking your bike correctly:
Select a solid object to lock it to.
A good choice is a city bike rack or a parking meter (in some neighborhoods they were left in place for cyclists’ convenience). If you are using a chain-type lock, make sure it is wrapped tightly enough so it won't slip over the top of the meter.
Avoid chain link fences, wooden porch supports, thin trees, or anything that looks like it can be cut.
Street signs are a poor choice as well, since they can be unbolted and pulled out of the ground.
If you use your bike for getting to and from work, or any other regular destination, scope out a place you can lock your bike ahead of time. Some work places may even have indoor bike parking in a dedicated room or garage.
Secure the frame and both wheels of your bicycle, even if you don't have quick-release wheels.
Many people lock the frame and the front wheel, assuming that the rear wheel is harder to remove. Not true. Rear wheels are stolen more often than the front, simply because they are not locked. Even on a basic multi-speed bicycle, a front wheel may cost $100-120 (plus labor) to replace, but a rear wheel will cost at least $60-100 more, first, because rear wheels are a bit more expensive to start with, and because you will also have to replace the cassette (the set of cogs) as well. For bikes with disc brakes, or more premium equipment, replacement cost can run considerably higher.
We recommend that you get a good quality U-lock (or equivalent), big enough to go around the rear part of your bicycle and the back wheel.
If you have a quick-release front wheel, you can remove it and secure it together with the back part of your bike (or use one of the options below).
If you have a bolt-on front wheel, or if you prefer not to remove your wheel every time, put a cable through the front wheel and loop the ends through the U-lock. (Shown in sketches above.) Yes, a cable can be cut, but it is less likely that a thief will go through the trouble just for the wheel, especially if a bicycle next to yours has an unsecured front wheel.
Some people opt for two U-locks, which can be cumbersome, but is quite secure.
As an alternative to the above, use a small-shackle U-lock, which is about the size of your hand, and purchase a set of lockable wheels skewers to replace the quick-release ones (see photo above right). This option is quite expensive (120-150+ for the lock and security skewers), but it is very convenient and time-saving, as it allows you to carry a very compact lock, and simply lock your frame.
NOTE: If using locking skewers on a disc-brake equipped bike, you may want to get the help of a bike mechanic, since it is very important to make sure the wheel is properly retained in the frame.
Check over your bike before you ride. As crazy as it sounds, thieves can and will steal small but essential parts of your bike. Saddles are a commonly stolen item, but occasionally a creep will steal less obvious parts, such as your brakes, wheel skewers and other parts that can seriously jeopardize your safety if you start to ride and don’t know they are missing.
Whatever locking system you choose, never lock your bike by just the wheel, handlebars, seat post, or any other part that can be cut or removed. And never, ever buy any bicycle which you suspect to be stolen. Nothing encourages thieves more than knowing there is a market for their goods.