
These are my Principles. Yours may be different. I find that these guide me better than goals whenever I find myself at the crossroads of difficult decisions or in a dessert of ideas.

Resistance is real*.
This is simply a humble acknowledgement of something that is a force of nature which always appears in the presence of a creative vision or dream, and the denial of its power is foolish, and will thwart any undertaking.

DO what you love.
Start by figuring out what that is, and then gird your loins (you'll have to -- see above) and go after it relentlessly, make time for it, fight for it every day, and for the love of god -- DO.

Process over results (aka. love what you do).
The inseparable flipside of the above. Love doesn't get distracted, it doesn't multitask, and doesn't rush headlong toward a finished project -- it's all process. Love the hell out of everything you do, every step of it.

Focus on what you can control.
It's absolutely pointless to do anything else.

Share Your Work With People.
This doesn't have to mean sharing with the world, but none of us exists in a vacuum, and I believe that we do our best work in order to affect some kind of change, and have impact on others.


*Steven Pressfield (of course) on Resistance.


Apple River Canyon